12 Jul 2013

RHBNow Win Passes to Any Concert of Your Choice

RHBNow Win Passes to Any Concert of Your Choice

Stand a chance to win an all-expense paid trip to any concert of your choice! RHBNow in partnership with Universal Music Malaysia.
Dapatkan peluang menang semua-perbelanjaan ditanggung ke mana-mana konsert pilihan anda! RHBNow dengan kerjasama Universal Music Malaysia.

RHBNow win free concert anywhere in the world

Grand Prize x 1
- 2 passes to an all-expense paid trip to any concert of your choice in the world worth RM45,000
  2 pas dibayar sepenuhnya ke mana-mana konsert pilihan anda di dunia bernilai RM45,000

Monthly Prize x 3
- 2 passes to an all-expense paid trip to any concert of your choice within South East Asia worth RM4,000
  2 pas dibayar sepenuhnya ke mana-mana konsert pilihan anda di dalam Asia Tenggara bernilai RM4,000

Weekly Prize x 12
- Limited Edition Merchandise from Universal Music Malaysia worth RM500
  Hadiah edisi terhad sumbangan Universal Music Malaysia bernilai RM500 

Send Money via Paypal Prize x 12
- Samsung Galaxy S4 worth RM2,199
  Samsung Galaxy S4 bernilai RM2,199

It's so simple to win. Here's what to do:
Cara untuk menang
a. Perform a minimum transaction for Bill Payment to Other Billers, Mobile Reload, Send Money via PayPal, Foreign Telegraphic Transfer or Western Union.
Buat pemindahan wang minimum untuk bayaran bil ke Syarikat Lain, Topup, Transaksi PayPal, Penghantaran Luar Negara atau Western Union.
b. Transact via RHB Now Internet = 1 entry. Transact via RHB Now Mobile = 2 entries.
Pemindahan wang menggunakan RHB Now Internet = 1 peluang. Pemindahan melalui RHB Now Mobile = 2 peluang.
c. The more you transact, the more entries you will accumulate and higher chances of winning!
Makin banyak anda lakukan pemindahan wang, makin banyak peluang terkumpul dan makin tinggi peluang untuk menang!

Contest runs from 11 July until 2 October 2013

Terms / Info:
Jobdirumah Review
Jobdirumah Review