Tiara Jacuelina's Thoughtful Speech on International Women's Day
National musical queen Tiara Jacquelina gave a video talk (recorded) for and been played for International Women's Day here in British Malaysia Chamber of Commerce, telling audience about her talent work, mostly on the backstage. Starting at an early age of 18, she started with a brilliant idea, introduced the talent audition to ease the seek for talents. Then she goes for casting, got the contracts and yet, since she rather do business than being on screen, she was given an opportunity to prove that she was worth enough to be Ms Producer in Indonesia.
"It is possible for her (and anyone actually) to just go, you need to tell yourself 'you can take over the world'. In this life, you have only one change, to 'prove yourself', whether you worth it or not. We could be competing with the world's best, be just as high, we could be." - Tiara Jacquelina