Looks like the parody song for the beginning of 2013 UUM 'Seiringkah Mahasiswa Dan Politik' forum turned debate 'Listen! Listen! Let Me Speak' hiked up even higher now with ZiccoTees (Malaysia) custom shirt company. As a surprise, ZiccoTees is now offering those shirts less than the regular price. Comes with six different colors and of course with all of those parody animals mentioned by infamous SW1M 'animal-also-have-problem' speaker.
Among the designs includes:
Listen A White
Listen B White
Listen A Black
Listen B Black
Listen - Ayam
Listen - Cats
Listen - Lembu
Listen - Shark
Listen - Snake
My favourite here is Listen Cats. But if you want me to rank up the design, I'am happy to say Listen Cats is #1, Listen Ayam #2, Listen Snake #3 and Listen Shark as #4. Listen goat? Haha it's weird to have a goat stapled on a shirt.
The song now complete heh. It got a free music video, lyrics, ringtones and now a shirt.
RM39.90 / SGD15.96
Get it: